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Wednesday, September 6, 2023

International Wildbird Photo Competition 2024 by Bird and Nature Festival [Age 15 onwards; Cash Prizes Worth Rs. 6L]: Submit by Dec 4

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Submissions are invited for International Wildbird Photo Competition 2024 by Bird and Nature Festival. The last date of submission is December 4, 2023.

About the Festival

Since 1991, the Bay of Somme, internationally recognized as a major spot on the migratory routes, celebrates the return of spring and birds with the Bird and Nature Festival. Nine days of exciting activities to watch, marvel, learn and educate!

Competition Details

For the 33rd time, the Bird and Nature Festival launches its international wildbird photo competition, now one of the 10 most renowned in Europe. The competition aims to illustrate the high quality of wildlife photography through excellent pictures from all over the world. It also seeks to promote awareness for nature conservation through the means of photography.

All award-winning images and a Jury’s selection will be shown during the event which will be held from 20 to 28 April 2024.

This online competition is open to everybody, amateur and professional photographers, of whatever nationality.


5 categories aiming at photographers over 18 and one specially dedicated to young photographers aged 15 to 17 years-old.

Bird Portrait

Photos capturing the character or spirit of the bird and its distinctive features. The subject can be photographed in close-up or whole, single or in group.

Bird in the Environment

Photos that best demonstrate the relationship between a bird and its habitat natural or urban, and the importance of the environment. The landscape must be an important part of the picture.

Bird Behaviour

Images that best depict a bird behaviour or an action. This could be unusual, interesting, amusing or remarkable behaviour, or depict something familiar as feeding, preening, nuptial display, fighting etc.

Bird in Flight

Flying, taking-off or landing, flocking or murmuration: as long as your subject is on the wing then it can be entered. Be attentive to the composition, the light, color and texture of the background. Please, avoid flash at night on flying nocturnal birds.

Artistic Vision of Bird

The creativity of the photographer must transform the mundane into a contemplative and artistic interpretation and offer a new perspective on the bird.

Young Talent

Category dedicated to 15-17 years-old (legal age as of Dec. 4, 2023 at 10 am), and with a unique theme : wildbird. Each participant must have the permission of a parent or guardian to enter. They may submit up to 5 photos. No registration fees for this category.


Prizes can not be the object of a counterpart in cash nor of whatever nature and are not transferable.

  • A Grand Prix to the overall winner awarded with an amount of €1,500.
  • A 1st Prize in each category awarded with an amount of €800.
  • A 1st Prize for the category «Young Photographers» awarded with an amount of 500€.
  • A Public Prize to the picture which has totalized the more votes from the visitors of the exhibition, awarded with an amount of €500.

Each winner will be invited to the Award Ceremony, on Saturday, 27th, April. It will be offered:

  • 1 nights in a hotel room for two people.
  • 2 first-class return train tickets: Paris-Abbeville-Paris, (alternatively a refund on this basis will be paid after the Festival by bank transfer). a meal with the other winners on Saturday, 27th, April followed by a tour.

Prizes will be awarded to winners within a maximum of 9 months by bank transfer.

How to Submit?

Interested students can submit online via this link.

Submission Deadline

The last date of submission is December 4, 2023.


Email: rgpd[at]festival-oiseau-nature[dot]com

Click here to view the official notification for International Wildbird Photo Competition 2024 by Bird and Nature Festival.

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