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Submissions are invited for the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2023. Submit your entries by August 23, 2023!
About The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards
The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards was born from Paul’s small office in USA River on the slopes of Mt Meru in northern Tanzania. Soon after, Co-Founder and photographer Tom Sullam was bought on board and then Michelle Wood, a couple of years later.
Since then, steered by its founders, the competition has grown and grown into a global competition that’s able to make a meaningful contribution to the amazing world of wildlife.
Competition Categories
You can enter a total of up to 10 images, 4 portfolio entries AND an additional 6 entries into the other categories, and 2 videos – that’s it, no more.
You can enter up to 3 images into each category, except the Amazing Internet (and they are…) Portfolio category where you have to enter 4 pictures. (More info on the categories below.)
The total number of images across all categories must not exceed 10.
There is only one category for video.
The Alex Walker’s Serian Creatures of the Land Category

Enter up to three of your funniest pictures of wildlife which lives on the land. Couldn’t be simpler. Don’t panic if the animal, like a squirrel, for example, looks like he is flying, it still lives on the land, so bung it in here. Another thing, remember if your pic is hilarious but in the wrong category, fret not, they will put it into the right category, simple as that, aren’t they nice?
The Spectrum Creatures in the Air Category
You guessed it, birds, bats and any other creatures that fly. If you have a funny pterodactyl image, put it in, seriously, although that might mean the image is more than 99 years old, so wouldn’t be acceptable, but perhaps worth trying.
The ThinkTank Photo Junior Category

This is a category for kids with a talent for taking great and funny wildlife pictures. This year, due to popular demand, we have upped the age limit – from 16 to 18 years. So to be clear – you still have to be 18 years old or less by 11.59 PM, September 1, 2022 (BST). If you’re not, don’t fret just enter another category but if you are, then go for it! I hope that makes sense! If you have a query, ping us an email; PJ and Tom (who run the competition and write this drivel are desperate for emails, as they have no friends.)
The Amazing Internet Portfolio Category
This is a brilliant category and to be honest a hard one. They want a collection of 4 images which are a collection, or portfolio, (that clue is in the category title) of really funny wildlife images. You can put 4 unconnected images in, as your portfolio, but you will get more points if the 4 images are connected, say “4 African Mammal Funny pics” for example, or they can be 4 images which are really funny from a single scene, I think you get where we are going with this one.
The Underwater Category
Ok, you can put an underwater picture of an elephant swimming and farting at the same time, but we would move it into Creatures of the Land, so this category is for creatures (fish mainly to be honest) which live in water. I think there are a few marine mammals, amphibians and reptiles and so on which live in water so the spectrum is broad. And this year we have a marine super expert – check out the judges page to find out who – so enter the best you got!!
The Video Clip Category
Listen carefully; this is the category where you can enter up to 2 video clips and each one can be no more than 60 seconds. They should be a maximum resolution of 1080p HD at 30fps with a maximum file size of 150MB but any resolution below that is acceptable too. Videos will be uploaded to Vimeo which accepts most major and popular video types. Please check the Vimeo website if you have any questions.
Please do not add music, captions or anything like that to the video (don’t worry about peoples voices that’s ok), but do make sure you edit it as judiciously (look it up, that’s what Google is for) as possible. Much better you send us a 15 second clip which is short, sharp and brilliant, rather than us having to trawl through 45 seconds of dull video to find the funny 10 seconds at the end. Edit it, it will increase your chance of success in the competition and the chances of the clip going viral, oh yeah, don’t forget that bit!
Category Winners
If you win one of the categories, you can say that you are an ‘Award Winning Photographer’, I know and if that isn’t enough, you will receive a beautiful certificate.
Overall Winner
So now then, onto the Overall Winner – the 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year. Oh yes, it’s a massive title and your image(s) will be flying around the world, dazzling millions of people.
You will receive a wonderful hand made metal trophy as the Winner from the Wonder Workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Two Fantastic Photography Bags Courtesy of Competition Sponsors

A Retrospective 20 v2.0 Shouler Bag
A Retrospective 50L Duffel Bag
Your prize will be a one-week safari in Kenya for two people with Alex Walker’s Serian (the prize is to be used in one of their Masai Mara-based camps in Kenya).
Alex Walker’s Serian intimate safari camps are among the best in Africa and most certainly in the best areas. So they will meet you off the plane and deliver you back, after a one-week amazing experience.
Terms and Conditions Apply. Naturally, there are a couple of small conditions; the first is that your flights to and from Kenya are not covered. The other is that when you travel to Kenya and visit the Maasai Mara your companion will have to pay concession fees and the domestic flight, we are covering you, the Winner’s internal flight and concession fees. These are the fees that are paid by every visitor to the parks to assist in creating a sustainable form of wildlife conservation. So you don’t need to be sad about paying it, as you are helping the Kenyan Governments’ conservation mission.
The Comedy Wildlife Portfolio Category Winner Prize
Your prize (yes!) is a wonderful Portfolio Series website from Amazing Internet for one year. Portfolio Series was created specifically for photographers so this is an ideal opportunity to show off and sell your amazing photos!
All the other category winners will win an URBAN ACCESS 8 SLING BAG courtesy of ThinkTank!

Judges of the Photography Awards
To know about the judges of these awards, click here.
Terms and Conditions
- Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards Limited of 65 Woodbridge Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4RD, are the organiser and promoter of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards (‘CWPA’).
- The winner will be the picture, which, in the opinion of the judges, combines the best technical excellence with the most amusing content and caption. The judges’ decision will be final, and we will not enter into any correspondence concerning the final decision or the way the competition is organised.
- Anyone can enter this competition as long as the law in their country of residence allows them to do so and neither they nor any member of their immediate families are employed by the sponsors, or us or are professionally involved in any way with the organisation or administration of the competition.
- By entering the competition, you confirm that you are eligible to do so and to claim the prize. They may require you to provide proof of such eligibility. There are no age restrictions, with the exception of the ‘Junior Category’ in which the Entrant is required to be under the age of 18 by 11.59 PM, August 23, 2023 (BST).
- If you are under 18 you will not be eligible for the prize unless you are accompanied on the trip by your parent or guardian. We reserve the right to require that the parent or guardian of any entrant under 18 confirms in writing that they agree to be bound by these terms and conditions and will travel with you on the trip if you are the prizewinner.
- To enter the competition, you must visit their website, www.comedywildlifephoto.com, complete the online entry form and upload your entry(ies) before the deadline of 11.59 PM, BST on August 27, 2023. We do not control the internet, and are not computer geeks, so we can’t take responsibility for any technical problems. It is up to you to ensure your entries reach us on time, no excuses.
To know more Rules, Terms, and Conditions, click here.
How to Submit Entries?
To submit your entries, click here.
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