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Monday, July 31, 2023

UNESCO Youth Environmental Art Challenge: From Waste to Art, By: UNESCO, Ministry of Environment, RCE, UNU-IAS

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Junior School Students, Middle School Students, High School Students, Undergraduate & Postgraduate Students, Professionals

UNESCO Youth Environmental Art Challenge: From Waste to Art which is a Art Competition for Junior School Students, Middle School Students, High School Students, Undergraduate & Postgraduate Students, Professionals. Submit your entries by August 15, 2023!

2023 RCE YOUTH ART CHALLENGE: Inspire Sustainable Change through Art

Participate in the prestigious UNESCO Youth Environmental Art Challenge: From Waste to Art, an international competition organized by the esteemed Global RCE Service Centre in collaboration with UNESCO, the Ministry of Environment & Global RCE Service Centre. This exciting and free environment competition provides a platform for young eco-artists, School Students, College Students, Post Graduate Students, Professionals, aged 35 or younger to showcase their creative talents while making a meaningful contribution to sustainable consumption and production.

Unleash your imagination and express your artistic vision through any medium you prefer, including Paintings, Drawings, Photos, Sketches, Sculptures, and Murals. The key focus of your artwork should be highlighting the actions undertaken by your community to address SDG 12, which emphasizes Responsible Consumption and Production. For maximum impact, we encourage you to incorporate locally sourced waste materials, such as e-waste, plastic, and paper, in your artistic creations.

When submitting your entry, make sure to include a captivating static image that captures the essence of your artwork. Along with the image, provide a title and a short statement of up to 100 words explaining the inspiration behind your submission. You may also choose to supplement your entry with an optional video showcasing the final product or documenting your work-in-progress (without audio).

Competition Details

  • Open to talented individuals aged 35 or younger from all corners of the globe.
  • Submissions are accepted in a diverse range of art mediums, enabling you to unleash your creativity.
  • Focal point: SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production, emphasizing sustainable practices.
  • Entries will be evaluated based on age categories: 15 years and under, 16-25 years, and 26-35 years.

Submission Guidelines: Unleash Your Creativity

  • Showcase your talent with up to three unique entries per participant.
  • Ensure your artwork is original and has not been previously submitted to any other contest.
  • Present your artwork as a captivating static image, with the option to include an accompanying work-in-progress video.
  • Be sure to submit your entry online before the deadline: August 15, 2023.

Judging Criteria: Celebrating Artistic Excellence with a Sustainable Focus

  • Entries will be evaluated based on the creative concept, originality, and the overall quality of the artwork.
  • The relevance of your submission to sustainable consumption and production will be a key consideration.

Don't let this remarkable opportunity slip away! Seize the chance to share your talent, support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and be part of the UNESCO Youth Environmental Art Challenge: From Waste to Art. Submit your entry online before the August 15, 2023 deadline, and let your artistic masterpiece inspire a global movement towards a sustainable future.

Register Now in this Competition!

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